Tentang Kami
I am Henri Gunawan. I was born in Palembang. I graduated from Sriwijaya University, MIPA Faculty, Chemistry major. I have several professions,those are English coach, Herbal consultant and Distributor as well as a Trainer. As an English Coach, I help people to be able to speak English well and I provide {menyediakan}a service called "English Learning by Phone". I do believe that practice makes perfect and custom makes easy {ala bisa karena biasa}. That's why I always suggest my clients to keep up with English by practice.
As a Herbal Consultant, I diagnose disease of my patients {mendiagnosa penyakit pasien} by applying {dengan menggunakan}a method called {yang disebut}Kinesiology and Phytobiophysics. Kinesiology was invented {ditemukan}by an American Doctor,George Goodheart in 1964 while phytobiophysics was invented by Professor Dame Diana Mossop from England. After we find out the disease{mengetahui penyakit}, we suggest {menyarankan} our patients to consume herbal medicine.
As a trainer, I provide a short course "How to be like a Docter". In the short course, We learn about anatomy of our body for example : Lungs {paru-paru}, Heart {jantung},Gaster {lambung},Liver {hati},Bladder {empedu},Lymph {limpa},Kidneys{ginjal} Intestine {usus halus},colon {usus besar},appendix {usus buntu} and so on including the glands {kelenjar-kelenjar} like Pineal, Pituitry,Thalamus, Hipothalamus, Limbic ; and hormones {hormon-hormon} like Adrenalin, Tiroid, Paratiroid etc.
We also learn about a lot of kinds of disease {penyakit} such as Gastritis {tukak/luka lambung}, cardio vaskuler disease {penyakit jantung pembuluh},coronary Heart disease {penyakit jantung koroner},hipo and hiper tiroid, Bronchitis {radang bronkus paru paru},Mioma {mium}, Cyst {kista},Hemmorhoid {ambeyen} etc.
We also provide {menyediakan} herbal medicines {obat herbal}to cure {untuk mengobati} Stress and Depression {stres dan depresi},Autisme and Hiperactive {autisme dan hiperaktif}. Insomnia {susah tidur}, Smoking and Drugs Addiction {kecanduan rokok dan obat Terlarang.
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